Monday, February 1, 2010

Windows Description - Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Description:Windows Was Able To Successfully Install Device Driver Software?

Description:Windows was able to successfully install device driver software? - windows description - hl-dt-st dvdram gh40f

Windows could successfully install the driver software, but the driver has encountered a problem running it. The problem is code 39.

That is the message I get when I look for solutions. System Restore is not to say that the restore point has been eliminated or damaged.Tried you remove the keyboard, restart the computer, the BIOS checks, yeah, or work in the BIOS boot, not just when Vista is loading. Please help


kpslover... said...

The big problem with Vista. I want to have just uninstall the drivers for the device. Or restore to an earlier restore point. Next time, make sure to always be Vista-compatible hardware. This is the only way it works.

livewire... said...

Uninstall the driver, and download an updated driver for your device to use, compatibility with Vista sucks

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