Sunday, January 31, 2010

Générator Cd Key Mount Blade Can I Play Warcraft Frozen Throne With My Cd Key But Im Using My Friends Reign Of Chaos Cd Key?

Can i play Warcraft frozen throne with my cd key but im using my friends reign of chaos cd key? - générator cd key mount blade

Accept what happens, what it is:
Install the generator with my CD-key Warcraft 3, and I with a legal version of Warcraft Frozen Throne CD have important legal and everything. The only possible to play Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, then I play with a reign of chaos, but the CD-key, The Frozen Throne CD key is mine I bought?

1 comment:

ben_kasa... said...

When the Reign of Chaos "is installed, you can either play the campaign mode is no problem, simply use the appropriate CD. As for online play, you should be able to play Frozen Throne, not the Republic of China.

I can not Certina, but it should be possible.

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