Friday, January 15, 2010

Severe Anxiety Attacks More Condition_symptoms Does Anyone Know Of The Best Herbal Remedy For Severe Anxiety Attacks And, Involuntary Nervousness?

Does anyone know of the best herbal remedy for severe anxiety attacks and, involuntary nervousness? - severe anxiety attacks more condition_symptoms

When I speak my heart suddenly beats faster experience, sweating, constipation, chest, pain in the head (it feels like my head is pressed), nervousness and anxiety. Sometimes influence the flow of my speech. I have heard of Melissa, gotu kola, and lavender. Has anyone tried it?


dk said...

Valerian root extract of passion flower. GNC sell.

dipper said...

Mee said Bach Rescue Remedy "is worth a try.

I would suggest that the technique of diaphragmatic breathing ...

Or a sigh of breath.

JBO said...

I've never tried, but they have tried marijuana snuff, the people working so well, it works better on the anxiety, I can not get over u or ur brain damage,

Fille said...

Bach Rescue Remedy

full of regret said...


I'm there!

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